
firstladymartin@sbcgolbal.net |
Women of Excellence
Our First Lady, Andrea Martin, heads this Ministry.
Our Women of Excellence are made up of the women and young ladies of Greater Bethel.
This ministry has a study group which meets every
1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 P.M. We study systematically such topics as "Pulling Down
Strongholds" & "The Tactics of The Enemy".
Another support ministry of the Women of Excellence
is Wednesday Noonday Prayer. God's anointed women intercede in the matters of spiritual and natural needs.
Each 1st Saturday of the month there is
a prayer from
7:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M.
Our Godly assignment is a consistent prayer life,
being faithful to the call of duty, interceding, standing in the gap, studying and obeying the Word of God.

Ministry is headed by Sister Yvette Martin. It serves our church in extending a hearty welcome to all that attend our
church. They share information about our church and scheduling of events to visitors as we seek to win souls for
the Kingdom of God. This ministry plans monthly services, which are spiritually informative and uplifting. Our hospitality
workers also have a follow-up ministry.
Nurses Guild
Our Nurses Guild is headed by Sis. Karen
Hathaway. This ministry not only serves the pulpit but also our congregation with professional help as needed.

Sis. Karen Hathaway Nurses' Guild Instructor |

gbacla1@sbcglobal.net |
Music Ministry
Our own pastor, who is a multitalented musician,
heads this ministry. He is a pianist, organist, percussionist, director, composer and the list goes on.
Our Sanctuary Choir serves our church on each 1st,
2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. This choir is composed of members of our church who are musically
gifted and anointed. All who hear them admire the intensity of their music ministry. Their musical contribution electrifies
our services with an outpour of praise and worship. The annual concert of the Sanctuary choir will be held in the month of
December. We will give the exact date at a later time. Start preparing now to attend this grand affair.

Daughters of Praise
These ladies express their praise
in dance. They minister in many of the services. It is not just dance, but it is a ministry of worship. You will want to be
blessed by the "Daughters of Praise."

Sis. Mildred Bronsen, Usher Board President |
Sister Margaret Brunson leads our Doorkeepers in
providing both welcome, comfort and seating to all who attend our services. The joy and excitement, which vibrates through
this ministry, is an inspiration to our congregation and guests.
Men's Ministry
This Ministry includes the Men
of our church, headed by our Pastor. The men of our church meet also on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of
each month. We discuss those issues, which lead to becoming maximized men. Our men seek to become mentors to the boys, teenagers
and young men of our congregation. As a part of outreach, we take young men on social outings as a part of strengthening our
relationship with them.

neirissak@sbcglobal.net |

Christian Education
Greater Bethel takes pride in our concentration of
Bible education. Each Sunday morning we conduct Christian Education classes under the leadership of Elder Orthello Malone,
our minister to this department. Minister Nieressa Keys serves as our director. There are classes for all age groups and qualified
teachers who lead each class in depth the study of God's Word. Classes begin each Sunday at 9:45 A.M. to 11:00 A. M.
A tutorial program precedes our Christian Education
Tuesday night class for not only our members, but also for children of the community. Some of the schoolteachers, who are
professional teachers, lend their time to aid those having difficulty in school subjects. This tutorial program begins at
6:00 P.M.
Our Adult Education Class begins at 7:30 P.M. each
Tuesday and is taught by our pastor, Aaron M. Martin II, who is not only gifted and anointed, but also is a former schoolteacher.
This is a time of intense study of God's Word. This time will prove to be an enriching time of revelation for you.

Min. Antwon Martin |

antwonmartin@sbcglobal.net |

Min. Keys |
One of the most vibrant ministries is The S.W.A.T. (The
Saved Witnessing Accountable Team) Our Youth department is headed by Minister Antwon Martin who serves as the
spiritual leader of this department. Evangelist Nierrisa Keys serves as their advisor.
Our Youth Choir under the direction of Sis. Yvette
Martin sings every 3rd and 5th Sunday of the month.
Each 4rth Friday of the month is
our "Friday Night Live" service which begins at 7:00 P.M. Young people from all over the area converge with our Youth department
to praise God in a very high spirited experience.
Each 5th Sunday of the year is our Youth
Day, which is always a rewarding and spiritual service.

Prayer Ministry
Our prayer ministry consist of the Ministerial Alliance,
and the ministry leaders of our church, who meet along with the Women of Excellence on Wednesday at 12:00 Noon for Noon Day
Prayer, headed by Mother Elizabeth Martin and on Tuesday Evenings led by the Ministerial Alliance, from 6:30 PM to 7:30
PM to pray for many issues as they come up in the Body of Christ as well as in our land. God's Word says, " If my people who
are called by my name would humble themselves and pray, seek my face, I will hear from heaven, and heal their land." We here
at Greate Bethel seek the Lord's face according to His word that our land may be healed. and man redeemed.

Mother Elizabeth Martin |